The Roleplay Community between all Realms!

Witchvalve is the Aetheric Association existing between all realms. Our familiars can be summoned for various purposes, to any location and datacenter inside FFXIV to roleplay. We are a community focused on roleplay where actions matter, developing lore through scenarios and our blackboard missions.

We roleplay on demand so keep the Square Enix ToS and our Roleplay Etiquette in mind! Do NOT engage in our community if you and/or your characters are not over 18+ years old! Any content provided or participated in is considered a work of fiction, which does not represent any real events nor intentions.

VENUE OPENINGS - The Witchvalve Manor is a shady potion factory shifting between realms. It mysteriously appears at certain locations, offering its services to anyone and anything stumbling upon it. Every monday evening the community comes together to connect, roleplay and scheme. Else we roleplay whenever we like to anyways.

BLACKBOARD MISSIONS - Do you know what a questboard is? Our blackboard lists many challenging missions meant for dedicated mercenaries to take on. Report the undertaking of a mission to our Envoys to gain coin, advance a client's story and of course change your reputation towards the better or worse.

OUR RP-FINDER - No need to wait for any openings, strange signs or announcements on our Discord. Simply go and roleplay when, about, where and with whoever you desire for as long as you wish. Our RP-Finder allows you to create and filter posts, find roleplayers, plan scenarios and meetings, as well as join already existing groups.

GAME WIDE COMMUNITY - We would like to make roleplaying in FFXIV an accessible and healthy practice, be it for roleplayers, event planners and community leads new and old. That's why we've made the decision to simply bring the content we have to you, instead of generally requiring you to appear at our location.


At Witchvalve, there's always something exciting to do. Summon familiars for immersive roleplay across datacenters and dive into evolving lore with our scenarios and blackboard missions. Join us every Monday at the Witchvalve Manor or use our RP-Finder to discover endless player-created adventures.

Getting started is easy!

Begin your roleplaying journey by joining the Witchvalve Discord to gain access to all available blackboard missions. Pick one and start roleplaying them at any time with whoever you desire to. Should you lack any people, engage in our community and make use of our RP-FInder. For roleplaying you will need roleplayers, obviously!

What can you expect?

We update and optimize our systems and content regularly, while exploring roleplaying in videogames with some experimental ideas. Constructive feedback is always welcomed and will be evaluated to hopefully converge into updates for the better of our community. Please also consider our Roleplay Etiquette.

For Potential Partners & Content Creators

If you're interested in featuring Witchvalve in your content or partnering with us, please open a ticket on our Discord. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. We're always eager for collaborations and partnerships, aiming for seamless connections between each other to maximize efficiency for everyone involved. Thank you!


WHISPERWEAVE RELEASE 28/04/2024 ver3.0
With the release of the Whisperweave Expansion we are overhauling the Witchvalve once again, marking its 3.0 Update. It was long overdue to ensure longterm enjoyment of roleplaying, which has fallen short a long while ago. Roleplaying was simply not fun anymore and the constant necessity of having to keep track of events with all their details has made roleplaying more of a tedium than a creative journey. Organizing RP content for players has been fun in the past, so after investigation on why it has become mundane, finally we can focus on an accessible and flexible roleplaying environment without having to sacrifice our mental health. This is only the beginning of a new fundament named CO-RP, so it will be fascinating to see what we can build on top of it. More detailed explanations can be found in the Whisperweave Live Letter by Vilithos.
//// Important Notices
// Shifting focus to "CO-RP" Cooperative Objective Roleplay
// Now on-demand Roleplay community instead of scheduled openings
// Blackboard added and now a core part of Witchvalve
// Website overhauled to serve its new purpose
// Discord server overhauled and streamlined
// Discord server Community Rules updated
// In-game venue entrance is now an alchemy shop
//// Website Update
// Item menus have been removed, some items are archived in Lore
// Rules & Guidelines renamed to Rules & Etiquette, updated and shortened
// Our content keywords have been shortened and streamlined for clarity
// Manorghast news moved to news-archive
// Worlds now Spaces(#worlds) listing our rooms and facilities
// "Lore" page updated, story milestones will be added in the future there
// "Join our Team" information has been updated
//// Discord Update
// Community Rules & Guidelines updated
// "Blackboard" added to public channels with Quickstart Guide
// Join the team renamed to "Join us", now includes vital information
// Info channel cleaned up and updated, now includes vital information
// Channel specific rules added in the "sharing" section
// Removed "Partners" channel for now
// Removed all optional applyable roles
// Pingable roles added, such as Alchemist, Spellmaster, Shopkeeper and more
// "Household" channel added to ping roles and get guidance
// Household reputation ranks added
//// Internal Update
// Household and Staff are now distinct roles
// Internal Rules & Guidelines have been updated
// Application form has been updated
// Tons of channels have been archived

-_// Click here to enter our news and updates archive!MANORGHAST RELEASE 29/06/2022 ver2.0
VELVET WORLDS 05/03/2022 ver1.0
EARLY APARTMENT DAYS 08/08/2021 ver0.1+


Welcome to the Archive where all news and updates regarding the Witchvalve are stored. Should you be done with satisfying your own nostalgia, you can click here to go back to our recent news and updates we posted.

MANORGHAST Update 7 13/10/2023 ver2.7
This is an update to our rules and guidelines regarding a case where a player roleplayed a 17 year old character at the roleplaying venue, causing concerns in terms of if they are allowed at the venue or not and what they are allowed/prohibited to roleplay in-character there. Nothing explicit has happened otherwise, though from this point on the Witchvalve Team will be much more strict regarding moderating the Discord and Venue in-game.
//// Important Notices
//// Rules regarding IC and OOC age have been added
//// Rules and Guidelines
// RULE 9 added
// RULE 10 added
// Content Keywords updated
//// Website
// Mature Disclaimer are now more prominent
// RP Service Removed
//// Discord
// Info channel updated
// Server Rules updated
// Ticket System updated

MANORGHAST Update 6 1/8/2023 ver2.6
In the sixth update of Manorghast the main changes consist of making the "Witchvalve Two-Year Anniversary Collaboration" public, the addition of effects to the Frog'o'bot item and discord role, and a few structural changes on the discord and internal systems. It is amazing that we have gotten so many collaboration partners for our Anniversary, so I wish you all the fun with it! Check the event page here!
//// Important Notices
// Two-Year Anniversary Collaboration
// Frog'o'bots owners pay half the price on potions (not stackable)
// Frog'a'lot grants lifetime free food and drinks, effect from Frog'o'bot included
//// Discord
// #announcements Discord channel renamed to "wv-notices", can be followed by other discords
// #announcements-o18 discord channel renamed to "wv-news" for server wide updates and news
//// Internal
// Moderation Cases have been added
// Host Guide Simple updated
// Host Guide Full is now outdated

MANORGHAST Update 5 8/5/2023 ver2.5
The 2.5 Update for the Witchvalve marks the end of the Manorghast Expansion. All changes are meant to finalize what Manorghast tried to achieve, fixing and improving many areas which were still not working as intended or did not give satisfying results, such as our items being engaging enough to be roleplayed with. With this update, not only our venue, but also our Discord have seen changes to set them up for a time where no new updates get released. Witchvalve is now directly connected to "Vilithos" who is the creator and owner of Witchvalve commonly known as "The Piratewitch Viliana" within the FFXIV roleplaying culture. Witchvalve and his own content were two seperate projects in the past, which are now merged to lessen the overall workload of both projects. Supporting Vilithos means supporting the Witchvalve, and supporting the Witchvalve now means supporting Vilithos. At the release of the 2.5 Update there are no new plans for a new Witchvalve Expansion. Thank you for sticking with us and have fun roleplaying at the Witchvalve Manor! - Vilithos
//// Important Notices
// Final Update for the Manorghast Expansion
// Item Prices lowered significantly
// Many new items, including reworked ones!
// New characters are available on our Rp Service
// Witchvalve is now directly connected to "Vilithos"
//// Website
// Lots of text have been updated to be more clearly phrased
// About Us page "What exactly is Witchvalve?" updated
// About Us page "About our openings" updated
// Item Descriptions on the SFW Menu have been updated
// Item Descriptions on the Evil Menu have been updated
// New Characters added to the Rp Service!
// General item prices have been reduced significantly
// "Iconix" prices have been updated
// "Vilinomicon" is now used to archive rarely used items
// Some items from the Vilinomicon are now potions or "Iconix"
// "Frog'o'bot" has been added to the SFW Menu
// "Superior Frog'a'lot" has been added as a hidden item
// "Faydream" added to the SFW Menu
// "Coneflower Lixxy" has been reworked
// "Viviara" has been added to the SFW Menu
// "Cataliquor" has been removed
// "Viviera" has been removed
// "Bloodbinder" has been added to the Evil Menu
// "Golden Needle" reworked into "Goldenhowl" on the Evil Menu
// "Ruby" reworked into "Rubylon" on the Evil Menu
// "Larimar" reworked into "Larimanool" on the Evil Menu
// "Burnamint" has been added to the Evil Menu
// "Bloodpepper" reworked into "Dragonade" on the Evil Menu
//// Discord
// "Witchalve" and "Vilithos" are now directly connected
// Discord Server is now a in technical terms a "Community", unlocks new features
// Discord Server "Rules and Guidelines" updated
// "Server Introduction" added
// "Partners" now listed in a forum channel
// "Vilithos Ping" role added
// "Frog'o'Bot" and "Superior Frog'a'Lot" roles added
// Channel accessability rights updated
//// Internal
// Discord Roles have been adjusted
// "Former Staff" role added
// "Activity check" of the Witchvalve Team

MANORGHAST Update 4 8/11/2022 ver2.4
In this update we are making a service more obvious which has fallen into the shadows for a while. You can now hire characters from the Witchvalve Manor for the services they provide by creating a ticket on our discord. This allows for some Rp scenario planning beforehand, making this whole service much easier to manage. For this update it meant that the current jobs we offered were not fit for this service, which is why the job-system has been overhauled once again. Hopefully our jobs are now a little more attractive to people and eventually brings in new staff which we desperately are in need of. The website has received a structural update to make navigation and reading easier, maintaining our core values. This also applies to the Discord which had sections that were never used. The guide to venues named "Witchvalve Framework" is being discontinued due to being outdated and simply not being very reader friendly. Manorghast ver2.4 is supposed to simplify and strengthens our foundation, giving us room to flexibly add or remove things as we go, as well as widen the entrance to new staff. Our partners also finally have a page where they are being properly presented the way it was intended back in Velvet Worlds. - Vilithos
//// Important Notices
// Website structure and texts have been updated
// "Services" page added including our character roster
// "Partners" page added including communities, venues and familiars
// "Job system" has been overhauled once again
// Ticket system added to our Discord
// "Witchvalve Framework" discontinued
//// Website
// Job-System and page overhaul with redesigned Rp "Jobs"
// Discord Ticket system for "services" and "support" added
// Website "Services" page lists hirable "Rpj" WIP
// Partner page added
// Navigation added to the header
// Venue rules simplified
// Rules page now lists "content keywords"
// "Witchvalve Framework" discontinued
// "Menu" is now named "SFW Menu"
// "XXX" is now named "Evil Menu"
// Footer sub-navigation texts and links updated
// "Jobs" button moved to footer sub-navigation, now "Join the Team"
// Website texts have been adjusted accordingly
//// Discord
// "RP Section" removed entirely
// "rp-characters" channel moved to sharing section
// "Service" section added
// Ticket System added with "Create Ticket" channel
// "itc-macros" moved to library for now
// "honor-rank" moved to the library for now
// "public" section texts updated accordingly
// "jobs" channel renamed to "Join the Team"
// "jobs" channel texts updated
//// Internal
// "Staff purgatory" channel removed
// "Storage" channel removed
// "heyboss" moved to library
// "application form" updated
// Discord Roles have been adjusted

MANORGHAST Update 3 29/10/2022 ver2.3
For Halloween 2022 I wanted to give the community an event to forge some long lasting memories and expand on the Manorghast lore further. While we didn't have much time for the preperations I was extremely happy to have the Witchvalve community help making the event possible. Without them the "Sootling Summoning" would not have happened! Halloween is an important time for the Witchvalve community given its overall theme, so I am thankful the lore I've written in such a short time was welcomed with open arms and created funny interactions. - Vilithos
//// Important Notices
// "Sootling Summoning" festival, three night event
// "Sootling Summoning" event page added, check it out here!
// "The Great Wooden Serpent" story added to the lore page
// Costume Competition winners are "Yiona&Erinna", "Sakras" and "Ashlandis"
// True or False Quiz winner is "Luna"
// Spooky Story Competition winner is "Elisia"
// Website Texts have been updated
// New Partner "Menagerie" has been added

MANORGHAST Update 2 11/10/2022 ver2.2
Quite a lot of small changes have been made since 2.1 over time, which are summed up in the 2.2 update to give an overview. With the 2.2 update I am making sure that the time the team and I spend on our content and management is not wasted on things we don't enjoy, putting RP first. After all the roleplay is what most people come for, not for optional side content that gets repetitive easily. As for me "The Witch", now called "Vilithos", my focus has shifted on some of my other interests. I will still be working on Witchvalve content, but in a smaller fashion with less time commitment, which will be quite the challenge to deliver the same quality. Considering the fact that I've spend around 20-30 hours a week for months making the Witchvalve Project what I truly intended it to be, I believe it is only fair to take my time and put it on my other interests as well. That's about it! - Vilithos (The Witch)
//// Important Notices
// "Witchvalve Community" and "Witchvalve Manor (venue)" are now differentiated
// Website Text has been updated
// Venue Rules have been updated
// "Looking for Party" Icon now means "Player looking for Roleplaying Partner"
// Jobs Page has been updated
// Roleplaying Jobs have been updated
// Discord structure has been updated
// New Partner "Seventh Haven" has been added
// New Partner "Silver Valkyrie Events" has been added
//// Venue Rules Update
// Rule 2, "<...>" signs are now for special texts like readable text on objects
// Rule 4, minions are now allowed, but you need to hide them when asked by staff
// Rule 5, added: abilities that are venue-breaking are irrelevant to the lore and will be ignored, so no burning down the house
// Rule 6, added "obnoxious behaviour in public chats" to the list
// Rule 7, updated: "Looking for Party" Icon indicates staff offering Rp services including Erp >> "Looking for Party" indicates a player who is looking for a Roleplaying partner (any player, not just staff)
//// Jobs Update
// "Operators" names and descriptions have been adjusted, no changes, only the wording
// "DJ / Music Manager" OP removed
// "Receptionist" OP removed
// "Advertiser" OP removed
// "For Security" removed
// "For Escorts" removed
// "Roleplaying Jobs" are now venue specific, giving insight on what to do- should you take on that "job". Each RPJ now comes with its own tasks which are meant to make staff truly a part of the venue lore. Changes and new jobs may be added in the future. ; The description has been updated accordingly.
// "Maiden" RPJ added to Witchvalve Manor
// "Seeker" RPJ added to Witchvalve Manor
// "Alchemist" RPJ added to Witchvalve Manor
// "Mechaneer" RPJ added to Witchvalve Manor
// "Scientist" RPJ added to Witchvalve Manor
// "Waiter/Waitress" RPJ Added to Gold Leaf
// "Receptionist" RPJ added to Beldame Guild
// Application form updated
//// Discord Update
// "Feedback" channel removed, there are enough channels to give feedback
// Channel Sections have been re-organized
// RP Section has been overhauled into "Looking for Roleplay" Section
// "Sharing" section has been added, for memes, art and more
// SFW Role has been added
// NSFW Role has been added
// Role assignment has been updated
// "Welcome" channel has been updated
// Partner channels have been updated
// "Community" section has been updated
//// Internal Update
// Host specific rules and guidelines have been updated
// Advertisement rules and guidelines have been updated
// Gold Leaf Discord is discontinued and now included on the Witchvalve Discord

MANORGHAST Update 1 08/08/2022 ver2.1
After a break of roughly two months I came back for Witchvalve's 1 year anniversary, in order to celebrate what we have been through so far. The first update for Manorghast includes a few changes to our fundamental systems according to how Witchvalve staff has been running events while I was on my break. Additionally, as a little gift from me to our community, we released the first untested version of "Into the Cauldron"- a tabletop roleplaying system designed for entertainment. While it is still in its earliest stage, I am confident that through playtesting we can optimize it and have some fun roleplaying campaigns inside of FFXIV. Thank you for being part of Witchvalve! - The Witch
//// Important Notices
// "Daily Gathering Time" has been added
// "1 Year Anniversary" Raid Event
// "Into the Cauldron" Untested added, TTRpg-like system
// Keyword system has been updated
//// Discord Update
// "ITC" reaction role added, for those who are interested in "Into the Cauldron"
//// Internal Update
// Host Role has been updated
// Advertisement rules have been updated

MANORGHAST RELEASE 29/06/2022 ver2.0
The 2.0 Update is an expansion to the Witchvalve content named "Manorghast", which stands for the revitalization of our house-related lore. We are updating outdated content according to our and the players needs- and are adding new content to expand on the Witchvalve roleplaying experience. Especially important to us was to refocus on what the Witchvalve was supposed to be in the first place, making changes to clearly communicate our theme without ruining the experience for our already existing crowd. Manorghast is also a step into an unexplored territory, which is about becoming a resource for FFXIV players regarding the creation of player-events, venues and roleplaying in general. We are adding the "Witchvalve Framework" and a "Beginner Roleplaying Guide" which are supposed to give insight on their related topics. Both are still early version so we highly appreciate your feedback regarding them. Due to the consistent growth of players we have added a keyword system inside the Witchvalve Framework to ensure all players an enjoyable experience without the need of complicated explanations. As we are expanding further, I want to thank you for being part of the Witchvalve community. See you in-game! - The Witch
//// Important Notices
// Rules and Guidelines have been updated
// Keyword system has been added
// Witchvalve Framework has been added
// Beginner Roleplaying Guide has been added
// New Rooms have been added
// Jobs page has been updated
// General overhaul of our entire menu
//// Website Update
// Items have been removed, added and updated
// Our general menu is now completely safe to look at
// "Iconix" items have been added to the general menu
// All "forbidden" items are now listed in the XXX-menu called "Vilinomicon"
// "Iconix" items have been added to the "Vilinomicon
// Lore friendly items have been added to the "Vilinomicon"
// Keyword system applied to all items
// Rules and Guidelines have been updated
// "Witchvalve Framework" has been added
// "Archive" for older updates has been added
// "Worlds" page has been overhauled, now lists all of our spaces
// "Lore" page has been added, including an FAQ
// The interior of the main space at the Witchvalve has been updated
// "Attic" has been added, includes a library and an office
// "The Inn" has been added, includes two inn-rooms, a shower and bathroom
// "Basement 9" has been added, includes the storage and potion factory
// "Stories" have been added to the Lore page
// "Characters" have been added to the Lore page
// "FAQ" has been added to the Lore page
//// Discord Update
// Rules and Guidelines have been updated
// "Feedback" channel has been added
//// Internal Update
// Staff Rules and Guidelines have been updated
// Witchvalve now has branches
// "Gold Leaf" branch added
// "Jobs" have been added
// Application Form has been updated

VELVET WORLDS Update 3 05/03/2022 ver1.5
After our two week break we are rolling out with Update 1.5! The jobs we offered at the Witchvalve were much more tedious than fun to do, being either too passive or simply didn't offer much room for fulfilment. I can't stress enough how important it is to me that all staff is enjoying itself as well as our crowd. After all we are playing a game and don't attend to an actual part-time job! This also made it extremely hard to recruit new staff members which we desperately needed to run the Witchvalve. Naturally it took a lot of time to figure out what problems each job had and which are essential. Update 1.5 is the biggest fundamental change yet, aimed to give everyone an even better experience. These changes might seem irrelevant on the surface to especially our crowd, but the core is what is going to influence that surface later on. 1.5 allows to add and remove jobs if needed, without breaking the entire system or burning somebody out. There are already plans for 2.0, but for a while we wilI be testing the stability of 1.5. Thanks for sticking with us and I hope to see you some time in game!
////Job-System Update
//Application Process has been streamlined
//New Job Types "Operator" and "Rpj" added
//Website "Jobs" Tab updated
//Discord "Jobs" Channel updated
//Application Form is now required
//Staff specific Rules and Guidelines updated
//Internal Structures updated
//"Escort" Job removed because of job changes
//"Security" Job removed due to being too passive
//All Jobs are now more fulfilling to do
////Website Update
//Rules and Guidelines updated
//Multiple Texts updated
//Menu Prices updated
////Discord Update
//Rules and Guidelines updated
//Partnered up with "The Bee Hive Delivery Agency"
//Partnered up with "The Willow Circle"
//Rp-Section updated, now available again
VELVET WORLDS Update 2 14/02/2022 ver1.05
It's been a while! These couple last weeks were full of internal situations we had to solve quickly with precision. Even though the changes seem small, they are just the beginning of several big foundational changes, which are going to happen soon. Honestly it's been tough, but hopefully we regain our energy to do more special events in the future. Hopefully you are looking forward to a little taste of those special events, such as the "Fairydream Festival", we have cooked up for you. Thank you for supporting us thus far. - The Witch
//Witchvalve Discord was nuked because of a hacked account
//Witchvalve Discord has been recreated
//Partnered up with "Dodolysium" (discontinued)
//Updated the websites partner buttons
//Added "Gold Leaf" partner icon because it was missing
//Rules and Guidelines have been updated
//Requirements to become Staff have been updated
//Jobs have been updated
//Special Event "Fairydream Festival" released
VELVET WORLDS Update 1 23/01/2022 ver1.01
We have been able to test a big portion of our system the past few openings and decided, due to how players move and behave at the Witchvalve we had to do some adjustments. The job of the receptionist is currently in a very passive position with barely any natural interactions. Receptionist will be there for special events, but it will take a while for us to find a way to make this job engaging for everyone. The system required to run the escort service has been remade in order to give players their freedom to Rp anywhere, and still allow escorts to do their job fluently. Due to the introduction of said system a new rule had to be added. Lastly we have noticed that players freely roam around the house, which we cant control for obvious reasons. Thats why all pocket worlds are freely accessable from now on. In the future some rooms could be locked due to changes or special events. Thanks for coming to the Witchalve! - The Witch
// Pocket Worlds have been opened
// Receptionist Job has been updated, now a temporary job
// Escort Service has been reworked
// Due to new Escort Service system Rules have been updated
// Pocket Worlds are freely accessable now
VELVET WORLDS RELEASE 12/01/2022 ver1.0
After several months of delaying the opening of the House on Twintania, we finally have finished all preperations to show you what we worked on so hard. This venue has already come a long way, so I wanted to offer a unique and polished roleplaying experience that players could look forward to attending. With the "Grand Opening" or "Release" of "Witchvalve Velvet Worlds" or simply the House, we are setting up the foundation for future events and content updates such as new Pocket Worlds. I am looking forward to meeting your characters ingame! - The Witch
// Opening the Witchvalve House to the public for the first time
// Added Reception Area and Closet
// Added Witchvalve House Main Area
// Website Design Updated and new Logo
// "Schedule" Tab Updated; Now only lists actual openings happening and the link to our playlist button has been removed, because we currently do not see any use for one.
// "News" Tab Added; To keep players updated on changes and content updates
// "Help" Tab Updated; Rules have been rephrased and explainations have been added, as well as a new map to the witchvalve house on twintania
// "Gallery" Tab Removed
// "Jobs" Tab Removed; Jobs are now listed on our Discord Server
// "Worlds" Tab Added; Lists all Pocket Worlds
// Food & Drinks: Several new items
// Magical Menu: Several new items; removal of "Sesame Cookies"
// XXX Menu: Several new items
// Pills, Powders & Plants Reworked
// Smokes Market Reworked
// New Smokes Menu; "Smokes Market" and "Pills, Powders & Plants" have beed merged into the new mix-and-match "Smokes Menu", where different effects can be combined to your liking.

EARLY APARTMENT DAYS 08/08/2021 ver0.1+
In the Witchvalve Apartment every opening was filled with changes to figure out how to ensure players an entertaining and comfortable experience. Everything listed below are changes that happened within four month of the apartments existence. Changelog entry made on 18/12/2021
// Designing the ingame venue, Topmast Apartment
// Designing the Witchvalve Website
// Changing several menu items, prices and currency
// Advertisements through party finder, discords and players
// Figuring out how to approach and get players involved
// Recruiting staff, staff structure, jobs and roles
// Opening days and times
// Partnering up with "The Darkside" Discord
// Partnering up with "Endless Nights Events" Discord
// Halloween Collaboration with "Gold Leaf"
// Adding a Discord server with multiple functions
// Removing the "Nightclub" aspect entirely
// Getting a, planning the and working on the Witchvalve House

About Witchvalve

On the 8th of August 2021 the Witchvalve was founded by Vilithos, a creator and story teller who wanted to see what would happen if he would take one of his ideas and ran with it. While it started in an in-game appartment, over the course of several months people started to gather there regularly. After moving to a small plot, some regulars wanted to help Vilithos run the Witchvalve, marking the first wave of staff members. With "Velvet Worlds" a new structure was layed out, for roleplayers and members of the team. As time has gone by the Witchvalve was in a great spot, though its systems were outdated. Through the release of "Manorghast" a new step into telling a story through roleplay and a new internal system was introduced, later optimized over time. Eventually the Witchvalve has become so established on the Light Datacenter of FFXIV, that it was necessary for yet another expansion. With the update titled "Whisperweave" the Witchvalve shifted its focus to it's roots, changed its system to on-demand game-wide roleplay and moved onto creating an active roleplay community instead sticking with the same "tavern style" roleplay. From here on an ongoing, always developing narrative was possible, allowing to deepen its roots of underground themed roleplay, becoming the aetheric assoication between all realms.

OUR Rules

We roleplay on demand so keep the Square Enix ToS in mind, as our staff only moderates the Witchvalve Community Discord and our major RP Events, not the game itself. Do NOT engage in our community if you and/or your characters are not over 18+ years old! Any content provided or participated in is considered a work of fiction, which does not represent any real events nor intentions.Our discord server rules can be read on the discord server.


1. Do not mix OOC and IC relationships!
2. Ask for consent before roleplaying anything containing nudity, violence, psychological or sexual themes.
3. OOC chat is always available to you, make use of it.
2. Clearly indicate text using markers, we commonly use:
Character speaks out loud: "I am a Witch!"
Speaking out of character: (My character is a Witch)
Third-Person Narration: The Witch said out loud.
Situational text marker: <Do not drink this!>
4. Spamming sounds, visual effects, animations, macros, short-texts, incomprehensible text and especially emote-messages is generally considered obnoxious behavior in public and party chats.
5. The /shout chat is mainly used by staff for announcements. The Looking to Meld Materia icon indicates who is a Witchvalve Household member or staff providing a service and are currently offering it.
Requests for in-game moderation belong inside the game, meaning we will only take action if we consider it necessary. Please consider using tools the game provides, such the GM ticket system.IC, acting in-character / OOC, acting out-of-character


Each keyword tells how and where you can roleplay specific content. These keywords help clarify what's considered sensitive themes around the FFXIV playerbase. Please always consider FFXIV's ToS.SFW - Safe for Work Content is allowed anywhere in all chats
- Characters being influenced by medicine, drugs and alcohol, retaining control of their actions
- Physical contact without detailed descriptions, suggestive, flirty or sexual additions.
MATURE - Mature Content (18+ IC and OOC only) is allowed only in spaces marked as such, in private chats and after asking for consent of the involved players. By entering a location marked as mature you automatically consent to potentially exposure of mature themes.
- Anything related to body fluids, such as blood, spit, puke, urine, etc.
- Spiking drinks/food/etc. with other items (example: secretly poisoning somebody)
- Manipulating incapacitated characters in any way
- Violence without detailed severe bodily harm, long term damage
- Anything related to suggestive/flirty behavior
- The topic of death, war, crimes and murder without detailed description
ADULT - Adult Content (18+ IC and OOC only) is prohibited everywhere, only practice "Adult" content in private chats such as /party or /tell after asking for consent of the involved players.
- Murderous intent, killing and describing visual death
- Any type of erotic, sensual or sexual roleplay
- Psychological content such as trauma or insanity
- Anything related to gore, such as cut off limbs or similar

Wednesday 15th February 2023, "Fairydream Festival" - 19:00ST/7pmST

Venue always open, but due to Square Enix ToS please keep our Rules and Guidelines in mind!

Every year the Witchvalve Manor celebrates their love for potions and love for passion itself. A time to strengthen your connections with others! Some might use this opportunity to find their soulmate. The one potion which has become an Icon for this day is called the Fairydream, the one and only love potion that does it all! Though, this year a new item makes its debut, the Bloodbinder.

Faydream SFW - For Free
A drink with the sweet taste of the original fairydream without any effects.

Darkpuddie SFW - For Free
A chocolate pudding with a red shiny filling that is decorated with an abstract face.

MagicaRubber Adult - For Free
All sizes, felxible rubber for protection.

Oil Phial Adult - For Free
Makes fun activities go smoother.

*All of our regular items are halfed in price!

Fairydream Mature - 3000 1500 Gil
A very potent Love Potion able to let any creature fall in love with the first person or creature in sight. To make the consumer of the potion fall in love with a specified person or creature, mix the DNA of the desired person or creature into this potion. The more one drinks of a Fairydream the stronger their love will be. Drinking too many Fairydreams will cause lunatic behavior regarding the expression of their love towards the person or creature.

Bloodbinder Mature - 3000 1500 Gil
A bloodpact known as a trial, which shows how strong a bond truly is.
1. Press down the top middle on the phial. A small needle takes a drop of blood and mixes it into the liquid.
2. Twist the phial open and pass it to your partner who drinks it.
Effect: A person or creature who drank the Bloodbinder will feel pleasure whenever commanded by the person who's blood was mixed into the phial's liquid.

Fairydream Festival Angle 1


29th October 2022, "Moonlit Dawn" - 23:00ST/XpmST
30th October 2022, "Mirrormoonrise" - 19:00ST/7pmST
31st October 2022, "Almighty Sootling" - 19:00ST/7pmST

At Witchvale Halloween is a special time because we are monstrously weird the whole year! As the supernatural people and folk find their way to the Witchvalve Manor regularely, once a year we all get together to be who we truly are. This three night festival, named the Sootling Summoning, has its name from a primal called the Almighty Sootling which we try to summon once a year to celebrate within it's literal shadow! How we perform this ritual is something one must experience by themself, but you can study the ancient knowledge either in our library or right here on our event page. Because this is an in-character roleplaying event we have a bunch of activities prepared for you. If we please the Almighty Sootling enough, it might appear!

EVENT MENU ········RpDescription ············································Gil·
SootcakeSFWA black rocky sweet with colorful filling, causes minor illusions.Free
MirrorpuddingSFWA fruity pudding which imitates faces if you stare too long.Free
Pumpkin SoupSFWAn "All Saints Wake" classic served in tiny pumpkins.Free

The "Looking for Party" icon indicates players who are looking for a Monster, a partner for this festival. Should you see one and are interested in them somehow, ask them "What's your superpower?" and let the almightly sootling take the wheel.


Light Twintania Lavender Beds W4 P29
29. Oktober 2022, 23:00pm ST

In the first night of the Sootling Summoning Ritual creatures of all kinds come together and slowly easy others into the mood of the Almighty Sootling Celebration. Monsters tell their stories, but people also theirs! The Almighty Sootling is easier to summon once its believers are comfortable around what they once feared. The moment dawn is filled with moonlight you get everyone together and tell of old forgotten tales, stories you experienced or just give your fellow monster friend a pat on the back. The spookier the better!SPOOKY STORY COMPETITION
Visitors can come on stage to tell their spooky story through roleplay at the venue. A Jury will judge each of their stories and name a Winner after all are done, who wins two of the ingame emotes /scheme and /read.
It is highly encouraged to celebrate the festival with others together to forge some great memories! We know sometimes this is harder than anything, so simply mark yourself with the "Looking for Party" icon to show others you are looking for a monster, or simply a partner for this festival.


Light Twintania Lavender Beds W4 P29
30. Oktober 2022, 19:00ST/7pmST

On the second day, the Mirrormoonrise, all folk diguises themselves with costumes or illusion magicks to strengthen the connection between each other through facing what is right in front of them. By doing so, the giant summoning circle named "Mirrormoon" which is casted behind the moon, grows- able to absorb more or less of the moons shadow.COSTUME COMPETITION
Within the first two hours of the event visitors can enter the costume competition at the reception downstairs. The three winning categories are Best Lore, Best Cosplay and Crowd Favorite. Our Jury will judge each costume to determine two winners, for the crowds voting a picture of the participants will be added to a specified channel on our Discord. Winners can not overlap, instead the next in votes will win. The prize is one customized gpose of their character.
Participants of the costume competition also enter our little quizz show where players try to get three points to win a round. If lost, they get their showtime on stage to present themselves. The prize for this show is the /shiver emote.

Almighty Sootling

Light Twintania Lavender Beds W4 P29
31. Oktober 2022, 19:00ST/7pmST

The third and final night of the sootling summoning ritual marks the Almighty Sootling Celebration, named after the primal who is to be summon that night. To fulfill the requirements for it's appearance, sacrifices have to be made. But not to it, rather to yourself! One must give in to what who they truly are until midnight, eat, dine and wine. This primal feeds off of ones pure spirit, which only manifests when their true self is embraced. By sacrificing something, be it dear or not, one strenghtens their pure spirit pleasing the sootling. It is said, once the summoning is completed, a dreamflower grows where it will appear. The Almighty Sootling takes anyone shape but mirrored, so look out who is truly in front of you.POTION ROULETTE
Ask our bartender for either a SFW- or 18+Roulette. They will pick an item with effect for you at random for free.
Roll in dice and complete the fitting task. /dice /random
0 to 299 - Eat a Sootcake and rp its effect.
300 to 599 - Find out a strangers name/give them a nickname
600 to 899 - Tell a truth or lie about yourself, resolve it!
900 to 999 - Do a "Potion Roulette" at the bar!

Light Twintania Lavender Beds W4 P29 - 8th. August 2023, 18:00 ST/6:00pm ST

Venue always open, but due to Square Enix ToS please keep our Rules and Guidelines in mind!

Not many places inside the roleplaying culture of Final Fantasy XIV survive for such a long time, so we are proudly celebrating that the Witchvalve Manor hasn't broken down on our heads until now with a big collaboration! After countless updates, two expansions and believed to be impossible partnerships, Witchvalve has become quite known amongst EU Light for it's great in-character roleplay. Of course, anybody can claim this, though is it not what we say, it is what our crowd throws at us regularly. Occasionally that includes fireballs and explosions, but who counts those?To prove we are actually as mysterious and magical as you believe the Witchvalve to be, we have cooked up an event with only our finest ingredients. You are invited to visit our Two Year Anniversary and experience this Potion Factory in all it's glory yourself! At the event countless attractions await you to win prizes, we even have an entire bingo you can complete. Come give it a try!

Our lovely Collaboration Partners are awesome, Check them out!

⋆ Quests marked with a star can only be completed by /tell‘ing the left receptionist your answer. Please do not reveal any Bingo solutions, it ruins all the fun!

⋆ The Treasure Hunt Bingo People are available until 9pmST / Rewards can be claimed at the reception until 10pmST.


There are 16 quests you can complete while the Witchvalve Two Year Anniversary Event takes place. Complete four quests in one row, and once verified at the left receptionist in the entrance area, shout out, 'Bingo!' using /yell or /tell.
» Light Twintania Lavender Beds W4 P29 «
⋆ Quests marked with a star can only be completed by /tell‘ing the left receptionist your answer.
Please do not reveal any Bingo solutions, it ruins all the fun!

Bingo Rewards

1 Bingo = 1x Common Minion, 1x Flower Accessory
2 Bingo's = 1x Rare Minion, 1x Frog'o'bot
3 Bingo's = 1x Rare Item, 1x Eat Apple Emote
All Quests = 1x Grand Prize, 1x Frog'o'bot
First come, first served!

Pointy Hat Lottery

Visit the Pointy Hat Lottery booth to get a chance at winning some strange things that are stuck inside it's Pointy Hats. First play at the lottery is free, every other pull is 200Gil!

List of rewards -- Glutton Ticket; Valve Ticket; Summon Stone; Summon Orb, Frog'o'bot; Pointy Hat; Eat Apple Emote; Secret Grand Prices » Check item overview for descriptions «


At the True or False Booth you can guess if the statement told to you is in fact true or false. By being correct you gain up to 9 points which unlock certain rewards.

3 Points = 1x Glutton Ticket;
6 Points = 1x Summon Stone; 1x Valve Ticket;
9 Points = Summon Orb, 1x Frog'o'bot;
» Check the overview of event items for descriptions «


We know this event is quite overwhelming so we figured, you need a map! All important locations are marked on this map. For the Treasure Hunt Bingo you must find the chracters all around the Witchvalve Manor. Good Luck!

EVENT ITEMS ········ItemDescription ···········································
Glutton TicketSilver IngotTrade for one free item from the Foods and Drinks menu.
Valve TicketMythril IngotTrade for one free potion. No Frog'o'bots!
Summon StoneFluoriteTrade for a common minion at the reception.
Summon OrbMormoidTrade for a rare minion at the reception.

Frog'o'Bot SFW - 1.000.000 Gil Updated!
An artificial lifeform inside a bottle resembling what is known as "frog". Acts, behaves and sounds convincingly frog-like, ribbit. The Frog'o'Bot combines with other Frog'o'Bots, letting them evolve further. It is said that should 10 Frog'o'bots combine, they become The Superior Frog'a'Lot - Unlock Discord Role
Frog'o'Bot - Unlock Discord Role, NEW! Half price on potions (not stackable)
The Superior Frog'a'Lot - Unlock Discord Role, NEW! Half price on potions (not stackable), NEW! Lifetime Free Food & Drinks.

Witchvalve History Museum

It all began on the 8th of August 2021...

was founded in an apartment by a mysterious red au'ra who named herself "The Piratewitch" in the Mist of Limsa Lominsa. Not many people dared to visit the place that players could find over the shady Partyfinder ad. Through the course of several months of consistently opening twice a week all by herself and using several new advertisment techniques, soon the Witchvalve has had it's first regulars, who would turn out to become valued members of its staff in the future.

The story "The Red Witch of Limsa" is directly tied to the Piratewitch Viliana due to her backstory leading to the creation of the Witchvalve, a Potion Factory which was in FFXIV terms hosted in an apartment. Many who met the Piratewtich thought her strange but goofy. Salty Oranges were always dear to her, but why, a high treasured secret. Read here

A new chapter was on the horizon, with

the Witchvalve had officially moved to a small plot in the Lavender Beds. However, flattening the velvet carpet unexpectedly heightened expectations of both the crowd and staff. Lots of issues arose which all had to be fixed quick so the Witchvalve could prevail. With Version 1.5 the future was set with stability, ending this chapter.

At the making of Velvet Worlds the biggest topic was that the Witchvalve was finally moving to a plot, a great step up. But due to all the costs and overall lore that had been established, the expectations for this house were enormous. "Rise of the Witchvalve" let us enter the big stage of FFXIV venues by rolling out the velvet carpet in this old mansion. Read here

A Manor's Manners are what many call

When Version 2.0 released, the Manor was still full of strange old relics, it had to be tidied up. When things became more clear, the Manor revealed it's secret: It had a soul, it was not merely a building, no! It was truly alive. Every Update the Witchvalve was optimized, reaching a point were it has gotten unclear for the fabled Piratewitch what could even be done to make it better. Though she realized, it was all fine. This silence was her own peace of mind.

By accident, the Witchvalve discovered that their very own Manor possesed pieces of a Soul. Through further research they were able to put together the Manor's origin story. In "The Great Wooden Serpent" a giant creature revealed itself, slayn by the Moonlit Dragoon, leaving the Serpent's wooden scales open for the Manor's architect's creativity. Read here


Welcome to your favorite potion factory where we sell useful alchemy and knowledge! Join our Discord and summon one of our familars in the #summons channel. They will then appear at your location in the game to roleplay with you.


Our facilities are spaces dedicated to specific Witchvalve proficiencies. You can chat with our familiars in the #household channel to plan an scheme. Maybe you find someone who can teach you, craft a unique or research one of your relevant topics.

Shopkeeper sells alchemy and special rare items.
Innkeeper serves enhancing drinks, food and offer you to stay at our Inn.
Librarian teaches special abilities, history, religion and more knowledge.
Spellmaster teaches arcane spells, practices and forbidden arts.
Warmaster teaches physical combat, martial arts and forbidden techniques.
Forgemaster crafts and enchant you special weapons.
Alchemist creates substances and rare materials for you.
Janitor purifies any stains others leave behind in their work.
Maiden joins you as a companion on your adventures.
Envoy hand you or take note of your report on missions.


Our lore is not necessary to roleplay, though are we keeping track of its development. Your roleplay and contributions through mission reports will result in visible changes as time goes on. Enjoy these stories, characters and major milestones to your heart's content for as long as you desire here.Milestones - Stories - Characters - Item Archive

Milestones - Work in Progress

/// Chapter I, Scales of Wood - In long forgotten times a giant serpent roamed the earth, causing dread wherever it went, draining its seas off their life while bathing its scaly body, only to turn sea into boiling cloud. Its only purpose seemed destruction, the allagans thought, desperately trying to take control of its power. With glorious spears they approached its crimson gaze to pierce its armor by force to reveal its secret. Succeeding at inducing their knowledge into the serpents blood, its dead wooden scales shined white, reviving its true beauty. Howling through its nest enraged, its thick bark exhaled a melting hot mist over those tainted spears. Sprinkling their mettle with a swipe, turning soldiers into mold, the allagans admitted defeat.
Wandering the lands in greed for seas, the serpent hid within the unknown woods searching for more. The rivers lead, flowing- only to be consumed by its shape, whispering of an even greater well. A tree reaching so far up the sky, even a volcano would shiver mad, shadows over our snake. This tree fed off the earth's blood, just as itself. Angered, the wooden serpent stood up tall, as tall as it could, to strangle the tallest of all into bowing for forgiveness. And so the tree and the serpent merged, feeding off of the well beneath, for eternity.
/// Chapter II, Tree of Stars - Once unknown, the woods protected by element alone, become home to a folk of curious. They wondered why mist surrounded their life, every once a while. Scouting what thought their land, the tallest of all poked their sight. A tree reaching so far ‘bove, it must touch the stars. So a new belief was born, the tree of stars, bridge between earth and cloud, they named. As they scraped the holy tree of its imperfection to hallow it, one finds the creature it merged with, thus the wooden serpent, breath of the holy tree, became a Deity. Over time many left their underground home, though who swayed themselves in the serpent's warmth remained still. The deity’s scales would crumble now and then, gifting its sacred wood to its folk to be shapened into symbols of might. One day, the village hidden under the tallest of all, drowned in the great flood of its well, right at its peak of glory. Only a few of this folk survived, spreading what's known around the world. Temples they’ve built with the holy wood they’ve kept, seeking a path to grasp their city once more. But none would follow their advice, their God marked them for death. To calm the angered, its folk shed their blood in hope to never ignite its fury again. Treasures of power you might find, hidden in the sea below the giant tree one said- many came to dive the depths to find not much but rotten wood. A challenge for most who believed in treasure of forgotten folk, who heard the legend of the tallest of all.
/// Chapter III, The Moonlit Dragoon - In a night of true beauty, where moonlight barely reached below, a spear in white wandered through the woods searching for its prey. As he met the tallest of all, crimson eyes gazed from above. Shaking its body off the ancient well, the wooden serpent revealed its form. Once more, hot mist filled the woods, stealing the spear of his sight. In a flash it was over, swallowed whole from behind by its bite, he thought himself dead. Just in time the spear revealed the serpents' hide, from scale to scale, he must break his way to victory. One by one the serpent's wooden scales scattered into the unknown, filling darkness with what thought to be moonlight. Blessed by the eye of the night the spear danced on its shine to behead the wooden serpent of its might with the crescent guillotine of starlight. A bloodshed heard all over the world - the spear who pierced true beauty, who bathed in forgotten blood - the legend of the Moonlit Dragoon emerged. As the forgotten folk heard this tale, they abandoned their temples and minds, leaving nothing but questions behind. But the soul of the great wooden serpent still remains within its scales, who haunt the Witchvalve as their Manorghast, feeding off its well.
RISE OF THE WITCHVALVE - 1.0 to 1.5 - Velvet Worlds
Within the Lavender Beds an old house withered away on its own for ages. A green Au Ra woman named Aliandre was given the house as a farewell from a Gridanian Captain for her help on an oceanic journey around the globe. Due to her never having the time to take care of it, Aliandre decided on a peaceful reunion with her sister, Viliana. Aliandre then allowed Viliana to use the house for her business called “Witchvalve”, as long as Viliana didn’t do anything suspicious with it. The house was in a poor state with all kinds of problems, wind and weather made its walls whistle painfully, the garden's dry ground only grew the most monstrous plants and the old fountain seemed to be home to some menacing creature. After space was made and everything needed had been installed, the power plant deep down below made the Witchvalve’s machinery move. Steam pumps from the house's heart through its metal pipes, feeding the house with life. Officially, the Witchvalve is a Bar for all kinds of people to meet up, drink and game, while being a small potion factory on the side. On top of the usual Witchvalve business, their workers offer a wide variety of services many love to count on, attracting sometimes the strangest of customers.
THE RED WITCH OF LIMSA - version 0.1+ - Apartment
Someday in Limsa Lominsa, when the winds were warm and the beaches cold, a red-skinned Au Ra appeared in the Mist, selling dubious wares to curious strangers from inside of a rusty factory. Hidden from the Maelstrom of Limsa, the Au Ra spread her word, day and night. Nobody seemed to care; the papers and ads about this “Witchvalve” were looked at… as a mere joke. A Witch as red as blood, selling strange wares who turns people into frogs? Who would believe such a fairy tale? Those who went to find this place, however, would hide their knowledge and even protect that so called “Witchvalve”. Many rumors began to spread about this place- both good and bad- but nobody was really sure what was the truth and what were lies. Eventually the folks of the city started investigating on their own, only to come back with unbelievable stories. When the winter was about to shadow over the Mist, the Maelstrom finally sent their troops. This one skypirate, which troubled the Grand Companies for over 20 years, was right in the palm of their hands… but all they found of her was an ancient golden coin; as if this was a mere joke. They knew she was back, but why? Where did she go? What is the Piratewitch trying to achieve this time?! All that was known is that "The Red Witch of Limsa" is somewhere out there. And Witchvalve was there. That’s the truth.

Bookking D'Booklin
The giant book at our entrance is called Bookking D'Booklin, a minion created by Viliana the Piratewitch to travel between the spaces depicted on its pages. To travel open a page containing the image of the space you would like to enter and tickle its page. Then step through the picture and you will be spit out on the other side, ending up at the right place. You can only travel to spaces that are connected to the so called Booklings, which are placed inside a house room or pocket world. Booklings are the Bookkings underlings, holding only a fraction of the Bookkings ability. Without the Bookking, they can't use their transportation ability. Bookking D'Booklin and its Booklings are silent voidbound creatures able to fly, walk and communicate via magic texts they conjure on an empty page. If they aren't working at the Witchvalve, they probably are relaxing in a library. Booklings come in different shapes and sizes, which make them hard to identify. The transportation theory of these strange minions is the following: The Bookking and its Bookling both open a gate at their current places, to then move both gates very close together. You then simply step through both gates without any harm.
The Puppet Maidens
Created from Vilianas own DNA, The Puppet Maidens are organic vessels containing the soul of creatures. While each version looks exactly the same, their personality is that of the corresponding creature. They are named after their version number, which indicates when they were created and how intelligent a puppet maiden can potentially be based on their ingredients. The puppet maidens were created specifically for the Witchvalve to have workers around day and night.
"Onema" - Soul of a white baby coeurl, very playful and the least intelligent of all puppet maidens.
"Dosra" - Soul of a purple koala, very lazy and sleepy, chews on plants all the time.
"Tridetta" - Soul of a magic broom, obsessed with cleaning, can't seem to stand still for a minute.
"Tetrana" - Soul of a cherry bomb, easy to anger, loud and cheerful, obsessed with water and machines.
"Quint" - Soul of a mameshiba, very welcoming, loves to get pet and highly intelligent.
"V'Six" - Soul of a cave morbol, non-organic machine, self-aware, designed to gather data.
"Sight 87" - Fused Soul of a Lunatender and thunder aspected Wyvern, highly intelligent, but extremely schizophrenic.
Mef the Gargoyle
For some unknown reason a shadow appeared one day in the upper corner of the abandoned factory home to the Witchvalve. This silent mythical creature would only move if the situation it was staring at was to its own interest. The people named it "Gargoyle" until it someday began to speak and say its name. "Mef the Gargoyle" would watch over everyone in silence so much, that Viliana labelled her as furniture due to Mef's irregular patterns of movement and speech. The gargoyle referring to itself as a "woman" was able to protect Vilianas cauldron multiple times with a little bit of help of The Janitor Nagito from an unknown strange wanderer. To this day Mef the Gargoyle randomly appears and disappears at the exact same spots around the Witchvalve House.


Faydream & Fairydream
A Charm Potion able to let people fall in love with the first person in sight. Faydream's effect will wear off after a short period of time. The Fairydream is much more potent, which effect stays for years and can only be dispelled.

Coneflower Lixxy
A potion able to dispel weak magic, headaches and minor illnesses. Causes growth of a large coneflower on the patients head. The short term for this specific potion is "Clixxy".

A weak transformation potion causing the growth of long bunny-like ears and a tail.

Spell in a bottle, unleashing a burst causing freeze, burn and shock simultaneously.

A potion made from a firedragon scale. So spicy, it is feared by cooks, because a tiny sip causes your heart to tremble, making you feel all hot and dizzy. If it doesn't knock you out, allows you to spit Dragonade Fireballs.

A burst of highly intense, randomly aspected aether trapped inside a bottle. If consumed causes visions of a random primal. How far you take this Rp is up to you.

Belladonna Xir
A potion which causes immunity to fears and terrors, as it evokes the most beautiful dreams imaginable even when awake. Many consider this potion a horrible nightmare as none could tell what exactly is in front of you.

Frog'o'Bot - 1.000.000 Gil
An artificial lifeform inside a bottle resembling what is known as "frog". Acts, behaves and sounds convincingly frog-like, ribbit. The Frog'o'Bot combines with other Frog'o'Bots, letting them evolve further. It is said that should 10 Frog'o'bots combine, they become The Superior Frog'a'Lot - Discord Role.

Illicit Drugs of Eorzea

Eorzea is home to many illicit drugs, which are listed in this great post by mirke's menagerie based on NPC dialogues in Final Fantasy XIV. We list especially the forbidden drugs of Eorzea to offer you lore-friendly options.

ILLICIT ·············RPDescription ············································Gil·
Cactuar BloodSFWA clear liquid said to help the skin supple.1000
PlutoSFWA gulp of this liquid turns your body as hard as iron.3000
SomnusSFWA mind-warping substance made from dream flowers.5000
MilkrootMatureIt's sap causes wondrous hallucinations.3000
Dreamtoad OozeMatureSecreted from dreamtoads, causes wondrous hallucinations.5000
DreamweedMatureKnowing of its existence is hazardous to one’s health.×××
Blackroot RoseMatureIts leaves cause horrible visions and extreme violence.×××


Piratewitch Viliana
Big Boss, not pickled

Shrinemaiden Hanako
Haunted Staff

Mefinia the Gargoyle
Guardian of Manors

Shadeshifter Saira
No more barrels

Empty Slot

Empty Slot

Empty Slot

Empty Slot

Empty Slot

Empty Slot

Join the Team

Interested in contributing as a member of the Witchvalve Team? Great! Though are you ready to put in the work and fulfill your duties? We have gotten many applications in the past from people who wanted to join our Team only to roleplay characters as part of our theme. Let's ensure you write us an application with a realistic outlook on what the hell you have to do at some point!"I want to roleplay!" - is something we are too familiar with, though is it not enough to become a member of our team. If this is your motivation consider roleplaying our Blackboard missions to raise your reputation, until you get accepted into the "household". There you can roleplay to your heart's extent, making your character part of the Witchvalve.Developing Lore - Our storytelling is strictly tied to our Blackboard Missions. Creating missions, evaluating information from our player's mission reports and thinking ahead of what might drive roleplaying are something we take care of once a month. It involved lots of reading, typing and talking about ideas to craft another chapter.Content Moderation - As part of our team we are managing an entire community and its people. You need to act according to our internal rules and guidelines, moderate according to them and make crucial decisions in the name of Witchvalve. While the giant behemoths of decisions fall under the big bosses hammer, you still have to be able to take care of the smaller papers.Event Organization - Eventually you will be involved in working with the team on events, be it one inside the game, on the discord or in collaboration with other people, perhaps even live streams. Whatever it will be, teamwork and trust in you is expected to ensure the event is going smooth so the entertainment is secured.

With this in mind, don't be too scared to fill out our application form. We know it can be daunting at first, so for specific questions regarding joining the team you can open a ticket on the Witchvalve Discord. Thanks for your time and patience!

Do you wish to proceed?

This page contains content only meant to be viewed by adults.

Our partners are as dedicated as we are, so check out their content! All of the communities, venues and familiars which are connected to us are incredibly passionate, putting us all into the same boat. We love working with them and are proudly affiliated. May our connection last long and fruit great content.

//// Discord · Website
Welcome to Broken Barrel, a secret tavern tucked away in the depths of an abandoned liquor warehouse. Indulge in a wide selection of ales, wines, spirits and mouth-watering food. All while being enchanted by incredible storytellers and live music performances.
Light · Alpha · Mist, Ward 13 Plot 41

//// Discord · Website · Instagram
If you follow the sounds of a trickling stream, nestled and hidden within the quiet glow of the Goblet, you will find The Menagerie – a uniquely immersive RP venue. A small piece of Kugane within the heart of Thanalan hosted by exclusive 'Geisha' and 'Oiran'. Escape to a place of beauty, where you will be taken care of, and leave with a sense of peace.

//// Discord · Website · Calendar
Endless Nights Events is -the- place to be for all things community-related within Final Fantasy XIV. We provide a community and a hub for creative minds to share their passions and hobbies in many forms, most of which derived from or taking place within the game itself, ranging from community events to nightclubs and roleplaying venues.

Want to partner up? Open a ticket on Discord!